The VOTE necklace is here! September 10, 2020 20:44
At Adornia, we have a tradition of creating jewelry that inspires and empowers the wearer. During the last election, we conceived of both the hope necklace and the nasty necklace. Both were two sentiments that many shared equally in 2016. Outspoken and unafraid, we branded ourselves proudly as NASTY WOMEN. We were also incredibly hopeful for change and knew that our work didn't start and end with the election. This election year, inspired by Michelle Obama's speech and fashion choices, we decided to put our own spin on the VOTE necklace she wore that night. We are offering at a discount from the MSRP to make it as affordable as possible and are donating 10% of profits to Fair Fight, an organization committed to supporting fair and free elections. Shop now and wear proudly!
xo, Mo